This Little Product Went to Market...

marketing product Dec 11, 2020

Marketing your online business or course is an exciting, and crucial part of your business model. Without it, how will you get your product or course into the hands of the people who need it the most? But what many of us tend to not realize, is that marketing is much more than what’s inside the Kajabi marketing tab. Marketing starts with defining what we want our company’s identity to be, which will then define what our marketing efforts should look like.

Audience and Messaging

Speaking of customers, who are they exactly? In order to create an effective marketing strategy and campaign, you need to know exactly who your target audience is.

Once you’ve defined your audience, it’s time to put your research to the test! Try creating an email or pipeline opt-page inviting your audience to check out your course or offering. Take into consideration your audience’s pain points, and communicate to them exactly how your course or membership will help solve their immediate problem!

Methods of Outreach

There are so many ways to promote your business/product outside of Kajabi, such as social media pages/groups, paid advertising, affiliate marketing and more. When deciding what marketing efforts you should focus on, keep in mind your target audience and what platform you’ll have a higher chance in reaching them. (Ex. If your ideal customer is a college graduate, chances are Instagram and Linkedin is a great place to be promoting your course/site.)

If you have an existing list, we recommend you start with an Email Sequence or Broadcast that is targeted to specific segments within the list to re-engage them. If you are starting fresh, we recommend you start with a Sales Page OVO or Product Launch Pipeline to start building your email list and introducing your brand to prospective customers!

Marketing to New Customers

It’s important to always have the end goal in mind when creating a pipeline or any email sequence as it will help develop your messaging and convince the person why they need your product/offer. Be sure to clearly outline the benefits of your product/offer, using testimonials, videos, success stories, and applicable examples as supporting information. It may be beneficial to present an exclusive offer to these groups that you are marketing to that may provide increased value and/or urgency. 

Marketing to Existing Customers

If you have an existing audience, or list that you have acquired over the past, it is important that you re-engage these customers and give them the option to “opt-in” to receive more information about your future offerings, or to “optout” in case they are not interested. Luckily, Kajabi automatically provides the ‘unsubscribe’ option in all of your marketing emails so that your contacts can choose to opt-out at any time. We recommend sending these contacts an email broadcast with a call to action, whoever does not open or click on the email, should be removed from your list. This will ensure that you are emailing customers who are interested in what you are provided.

Learn more about email list hygiene here!

Creating Lifetime Customers and Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value

So you’ve launched your paid offer and made your first sales! Congratulations! Now is the time to create lifetime customers who love your business and will buy from you over and over. A great place to start is to offer early bird or founder pricing for your original group of customers. This creates a feeling of exclusivity for your founding members, as well as provides a great opportunity to get feedback for when you are ready to bump up your pricing! 

You’ll also want to be sure that existing customers are some of the first to know about your new offerings. You can do things like create exclusive discounts for existing members as well as offer upsells and cross-sells. Lastly, you can keep your customers interested and engaged by hosting contests and giveaways. You can also consider adding gamification to your course by automatically sending certificates or badges to members as they progress through the material.

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