Seize the Means of Product(tion)! - Product and Offers

offer product Dec 11, 2020

Your product will serve as the vehicle in which you deliver your content, and your offer serves as the payment gateway and checkout page for anything you wish to sell on Kajabi. Have you thought about if you will be selling a course, membership site, coaching program, community space, or something else? And what will you charge for your products? Here, you’ll learn how to leverage products and offers to maximize your value and to provide a world-class experience for your customers.

Let’s get started!

Developing Your Product

Once you’ve established what type of product you’d like to offer, you can use Kajabi’s Product Blueprints to begin building out your product!
Kajabi’s Product Blueprints are simply starting points to guide you, so keep in mind that all Products can be completely customized to fit your own needs. If the content you’re delivering is quick and easy to digest, then it may be best suited for a Mini Course that can eventually transition into a longer, flagship course. If you have a large amount of content, you may consider dripping out modules over a series of days or weeks as an Evergreen Course. Or if you feel your offering is somewhere in between, you can upload all of your modules at once as an Online Course. The Membership product is a good choice if you are building out a membership site where you are planning to add new content on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Structuring Your Product Content

It’s important to keep in mind that there’s no “right” way to structure your product. The key to determining how to present your material is to imagine yourself in your customers shoes. Try to envision how they would want to see your content so that it’s easy and fun for them to progress through. More posts with shorter videos tends to be easier to digest than fewer posts with longer videos. Be sure to always preview your product as if you were a customer so you can see exactly what they will see.

Impersonate The Customer

Put yourself in your customers shoes, one of the best practices you can adopt for your business is to “impersonate” a fake customer in Kajabi. This will allow you to truly understand their experience in your platform from the moment they first land on your site, to when they purchase your offer, and then engage with your product.

Focus On High-Quality Content

Quality over quantity! The quality of your video and audio content can be a make or break factor for your customer experience and whether they decide to engage or even buy from you in the future. But this doesn’t mean that you have to use expensive gear! In fact, while video quality is important, we’ve found that your members will most likely place a higher value on having good quality audio in their experience, rather than video quality. Se the checklist below for a good set of guidelines to follow!

  • Define what your product will be (Membership, Course, etc.)
  • Create essential high-quality content for your Product (videos, downloads, etc.)
  • Determine how you want to release your content
  • Explore the customer experience of your product

Pricing Your Product

One of the most difficult decisions to make when launching an online business is determining how to price your offering. It’s tricky and can sometimes feel awkward putting a price tag on something, especially if this is the first time branching out on your own! We hear you and want to help! We’ve put together a few questions to ask yourself when sitting down to price your product below:

  • How much time, money, and resources did it take for you to create your offering?
  • What would you charge a customer if you were delivering this material to them in a one-on-one session?
  • How valuable do you feel your online offering is in comparison to a one-on-one session? More valuable? Less valuable? Are there other add-on offerings?
  • What are others in your field charging for similar offerings? How much value are they providing for that price?

Example: You usually charge $1k for 8 weeks of in-person coaching sessions, you have now decided to convert these sessions into an online course, do you think the online version is as valuable? Is it less valuable? More valuable? Let’s say it was 75% as valuable because they will not receive the in-person sessions which you believe are important for your practice, then perhaps consider charging $750.

Check out Kajabi's Blog on Pricing!

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